network updates

You can find all updates for the red crown network here, sorted by category.

If you have any comments, feel free to leave them in the guestbook.

22 April 2024

sorted under crystarium .

I made some new codes for the Shadowbringers fanlisting and moved it over to my new FFXIV domain,, which I bought a while back.

…It is not the only FFXIV domain I currently own. We’ll see if I keep both around or stick with this one.

Also moved the Warrior of Light/G’raha Tia fanlisting over there. I may be revamping the G’raha fanlisting shortly here (we’ll see if inspiration allows it), so I’m holding off on moving him for the moment.

I also may have just bought another domain, so, uh, we’ll see where that goes…

17 April 2024

sorted under winds of change .

More productivity?! Yeah, I don’t know who I am either.

Winds of Change has received a long-overdue update: I’ve gone through every section and reworded or rewrote various things for clarity to align with the new edition of the game. (I say new, but it came out seven years ago…) I’ve also done some visual sprucing to the gameplay section to make it easier to parse so much text. While there are still things to add, the site is overall in much better shape.

15 April 2024

sorted under redcrown, classic/modern .

New site! Classic/Modern is a dedication to the entire Final Fantasy series, my biggest and most enduring fandom. This site was a dream come true to make — I’ve been planning it since 2006! — and I’m really pleased to have finished it. Please check it out! has been updated with the new site.

10 April 2024

sorted under renegades .

After, uh, 14 years, I have finally revamped my ONE OK ROCK fansite, which is now retitled Renegades. It started out as a one-page site and is back down to that size. I’m much happier with it now!

I also have a full draft of a new fansite written; I just need to make a layout and put it together. Hopefully I can put it up soon.

28 February 2024

sorted under heartplace .

Apparently I forgot to update here when I opened two new fanlistings… last year. Oops! I just made a new batch of codes for one of them today, while the other is… lacking. I’ll get around to it eventually.

Though I’m still mostly on hiatus, I have a revamp of my ONE OK ROCK site pending —content is done, I just need to make a new layout. Look for that sometime soonish, hopefully!

24 September 2023

sorted under redcrown .

After seven years (no joke), has finally been revamped.

…It looks a lot like the last layout because I really liked the setup, okay. Unfortunately I had to recode half of it anyway.

Aside from minor touches and some design notes on the domain page, there’s not much new content-wise. Here’s hoping I can pull something else together this year, but I make no promises.

15 August 2022

sorted under heartplace, defiers of fate .

Finished updating all of my fanlistings and sites, whew. Who let me open so many?

Tidied up a bit as I went, but the only significant update was to Defiers of Fate—all three novellas came out in English a few years ago, so there’s some notes on that. As noted on the site, I’m waiting on rereleases of the games to dive back into working on content; I haven’t played the trilogy in years at this point. Now if only Square would hurry up and do it…!

14 August 2022

sorted under heartplace, beyond the sky, lucky sevens, imprison, rare candy, fury cutter, soul dew, level 20 .

I’ve successfully upgraded Enthusiast, so I’ve started going through all of my sites to ensure it works properly and make minor fixes. Only got about halfway through today; hopefully the rest tomorrow. One fanlisting was closed.

As part of this, the following sites and collectives had link checks and very minor fixes:
- Heartplace
- Lucky Sevens
- Beyond the Sky
- Rare Candy
- Fury Cutter
- Imprison
- Soul Dew
- Level 20

10 August 2022

sorted under redcrown, ghost of you .

Minor tidying at today; I updated the site to redirect to HTTPS and updated all links across the site accordingly. Unfortunately I have to edit files on each website to force HTTPS, which is a bit of a time-consuming effort with how many sites I have.

Still, between that and an overdue need to upgrade Enthusiast, I’m hoping to get through these housekeeping tasks in the next month or two.

And aside from that, I have a fansite I should be working on…

7 August 2022

sorted under ivalice, heartplace, ghost of you .

Long time no see! Since the last update, I’ve opened a couple more fanlistings:

The last one comes with a minor update to; I’ve updated the link lists and made some notes about my future plans.

And against all odds, I have a new fansite in the works. No word on when it’ll get done, but I’m making steady progress. Here’s hoping I get it done soon!

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